Real Estate Agents Help to Register Property in Tel Aviv

Saturday 15 October 2016

It is very important to know how you can register you real estate property in Israel. Though the real estate agents in Tel Aviv help their clients to register then property, you should be well aware of the issues indulged in this affair to avoid any type of fraud case. In Israel, if you are going to purchase real estate property, then you must register it with the help of the Land Registry Department. This is mentioned under the Ministry of Justice, or you may even know it in the name of “The Tabu” in Israel. This Tabu is the body in charge of registering any real estate action into the official books of the Bureau. You should know that there are three different and separate books such as the “Rights Book”, the “Joint House Book” and the “Deeds Book” etc. The first book records the assets that are regulated by the Torrens system. Most of the real estate properties are recorded in this book.  The second book records those properties that contain two or more separate or individual real estate units. And the third book records the assets that are not regulated by the Torrens system and these are not usually listed as multiple units.

 61, Eilat St, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

Registration is important for every action regarding real estate like selling, buying or parceling. You deal would not be counted as legal if you do not register them as it has been stated with the stipulation in Section number 7 of the Israeli Real Estate law of 1969. You should submit the registration in the same regional bureau of the location of the property or properties. If the action does not proceed to registration in one of the nine bureaus, it will be tagged as a binding commitment. In this context, it is important to know that in Israel, the registration is legally binding. The property will legally switch hands if the registration has been fully completed. By registering a property in the Israeli Tabu, you will be able to secure your legal rights as the landowner and it will also help you to increase the value of your property. Registration also helps to the rapid transfer of the property rights of the new owners, (in case you are going to sell your property in Tel Aviv) saving both time and money.

 61, Eilat St, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
After buying a real estate property, the actual purchase is meant for the usage of rights on the property. After the complete registration process, The Tabu will issue a deed stating the period of the tenancy and the termination date along with proprietary information about that particular asset (if the case is capitalized, mortgaged or confiscated). Apart from these, the deed about the asset also includes the brief location of the asset in Israel, specifying the division of block, parcel and sub-parcel. Don’t forget that your deed will act like de jure I.D of your asset holding the same information provided by the Tabu.

Whether you are going to buy or sell property in Tel Aviv, you must register it immediately. In order to make the process hassle free, you can take the help of real estate agents in Tel Aviv as well.